The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

I graduated from the School of Journalism, now called the College of Communications. Excellent preparation for a career of over 40 years in public relations, advertising and marketing, in the non-profit and the private sector. I now have my own consulting business, specializing in marketing and strategic planning for family-owned businesses and non-profits. I am immersed in writing in the genre of creative non-fiction, working on a collection of stories about my dad who raced Indian motorcycles during the Depression. Did my research in my mom's attic and discovered he was a national champion! I have served on a number of boards over the years and collected my share of awards, but most recently I serve on the board of the Friends of the Literary Arts at the Chautauqua Institute. I have traveled with the Penn State Alumni Tours and thoroughly enjoyed my trips and meeting other Penn Staters. I visit the main campus as often as I can. Traveled West this year (2009) to the Rose Bowl and one of the highlights was the tailgate party among all that Blue and White. I encourage other Penn Staters to volunteer, as I have, on the grassroots efforts to persuade our state legislators to shake the money tree on our University's behalf. Also to consider giving back to our alma mater with a monetary gift, or in your will. It makes you feel good!